A friend was telling me about an initiative in her neighbourhood that’s starting to catch on, it involves dropping in on someone each week to do a small act of kindness. She wishes she had the time and energy to participate but feels she barely manages with her own family.
Yet this conversation had begun when she’d read my latest article and had sent me a note of appreciation – a kindness in itself. She also asked how my family and I are all doing a few months down the line after losing mum, yet another kindness. I read a book recently where the author said quite abruptly that you only see things in other people you have in yourself. If you have an emotional reaction to what you see, it means it’s a life lesson to learn. If you notice but have little or no reaction it is a lesson you have already learned. This made sense to me. There is no doubt my friend acts out of kindness in almost everything she does, though perhaps with one exception, in being kind to herself. This is something I notice many of us are guilty of. Today I spent time with another friend who provides a really cool service to those who are interested in evaluating their health. She isn’t sure where her future lies, but she knows she is interested in helping others with their health in a much broader context than she is offering at the moment. As we were talking about creating an online presence for her it struck me, even although her current service offering is quite narrow (it is a specific test), each customer likely comes away feeling inspired and more informed about their health after meeting with her. This is because I know her story about what inspired her towards healthier choices, and I know she shares her story and takes a great deal of interest in her clients. She spends way more of her time with clients than most practitioners in her field do. I also know the things she takes an interest in when it comes to health, she is connecting a lot of dots in a holistic way and is very knowledgeable about it all. However, I do see her holding back, unaware of her strengths or perhaps lacking confidence. “Life is a mirror, so if you want to see the good in yourself, just list the things you admire in others. This will give you an insight into those things that are either seeded in you waiting to grow, or are fully flourishing without your awareness.” That is me threading together some dots of my own. As always when I write to unpick a thread that intrigues or inspires me, there’s a lesson in it for me. Suddenly I feel totally uncomfortable, I don’t want to create a whole blog where it looks like I am basically blowing my own trumpet under a guise of insecurity; “Maybe I’ll ditch it” I think. Yet I start to wonder where I am undervaluing myself, it’s likely I do because I’m seeing so much of it around me. Even as I reflect on my friends, it becomes obvious to me where my likely strengths lie and I see the parallels in our journeys. The same is true of the bad stuff of course, the things that really bug me about people. Judgmental people used to really annoy me and, in hindsight, it’s easy to admit that was because I was also quick to judge. Nowadays when I get all judgy, there is another aspect that quickly kicks in, one that wonders what that particular person in my sights is reflecting back to me about me. I’m good with that though, it’s teaching me compassion; which is the positive aspect seeded in a judgy person. It’s almost easier to take on board the “must improve” category though, rather than see the good things. I don’t know about you, but I just don’t want to appear sanctimonious or arrogant. If I can flip my thinking and, instead of focusing on arrogance, recognise that I truly admire humility, it opens up a different line of thought. I sat last weekend listening to my friend’s daughter share some things she had really enjoyed at work, one was about a student whom she had helped by prompting him to think about things in an entirely different way. The things she shared were smart, insightful, uplifting, and were said with humility. It was a joy to listen. Life has presented me with many opportunities to grow, to become more self aware and to humble myself, and I am grateful for them. I may not be perfect but I do have some great gifts that I am starting to recognise. Using awareness of the negative to springboard toward the positive, the things that inspire you in others, will grow those parts of you too. With honesty, awareness and a willingness to grow, it’s not so difficult these days to believe that the positive aspects I see in others are perhaps a reflection of a small part of me. What about you? If what you read here resonates and you’d like a fresh perspective on a situation in your own life, feel free to contact me. There’s no charge or strings attached, I truly enjoy helping where I can, click here for further information. To be the first to receive these posts, you can also opt to subscribe to my blog.
Am I being arrogant or am I hiding my light under a bushel? I’m confused.
I desperately want to give of myself, “come on Universe, surely there are people out there that would benefit from the perspective I can share with them?” I practically shout this in frustration in my mind as if my arms were flung wide open in surrender to the elements of the entire cosmos. Then I worry, “Who am I to give anyone a perspective on anything, is this ego talking? Or am I underplaying myself here? Is this a self-worth issue?” When I left the corporate realm, all I’d ever known was a ‘real’ job. And I felt pressure to get another job, or at least another income, but something more authentic. I wrote because it gave me clarity, but I wasn’t sure I really wanted to write for a living. I write to focus into my inner wisdom, I do it to let out what is within, I didn’t want someone else – not even my own mind – dictating what I write. No one in my family had ever done anything creative and exposed it publicly, and I felt petrified about putting myself out there. But I wrote and I wrote, trying to figure out who I am, and I shared it regardless. People read it, and it seemed to inspire them too, that gave me confidence. Article after article I started to work through layer after layer of insane thoughts and beliefs I’d gathered around me over the years. As I wrote, occasionally readers would get in touch and ask me about things they were stuck with in their own life. That would often inspire further questions in me and so I would write some more. All the while I was wondering where it was all leading, what was my life’s purpose and was it something I could do for a living? Eventually there was a point where I needed to decouple the two things. I had a thought “what if I never have to earn money from my purpose?”, and then I had another thought “what if I never even have to earn money?” I sat with that, just to try it on. It felt good, a relief. Money flows in lots of ways, it flows based on confidence and value. This is what sunk in after a month’s meditation on the subject. I realised that as a mother of two young kids, I was already wearing a lot of hats and I started to value my own contribution more, feeling much less inclined to fill the relatively scant hours of ‘me time’ I actually have with something that needed to make money. Then my partner started his own business and, while I do work to help him, it’s largely his thing and it took the money pressure off the table. Meanwhile I continued to write and write, and what wanted to flow came, gushing at times, because I could relax into it more. I would write in an authoritative way, not because I knew it all, but because that which is far wiser than me was using my writing to tell me which way to go; the lesson was for me, it always is. Then messages started to come through for others too, not when I was writing, they’d pop into my head like a little tug of energy from within when people were talking to me. “Well if writing is weird, what the heck will my family and friends make of this?” I wondered. So I started exploring all the various guises of intuitive abilities in an ongoing bid for purpose. People responded positively to that too, some asking me for help. While I often can’t see the woods for the proverbial trees in my own life, it’s so much easier to be objective with others. What I was learning, what I have learned, is that we all have our own inner truth, sometimes – often – we are too busy wrapped up in our self defeating thoughts to hear it. But when you hear your truth, it strikes a chord somewhere within; you know it when you hear it. So I write to maintain perspective and seek clues from that inner truth on the next moves in my own life. And if people ask, I share whatever comes through for them, which always inspires something more in my own life too. This is why I’m writing now. My poor confused mind has been getting in a tangle these last few days trying to solve the things it doesn’t even need to solve. All I knew was that those thoughts swimming in there were making me feel so utterly miserable that they needed to be let out. Sometimes I have this big red flashing siren that goes off inside, “be humble”, and I think it just plain trips me up. “Who do you think you are?” I hear it say “What makes you think anyone wants to read your stuff?” And it says a lot more besides. It makes up lots of little voices that speak on behalf of what I think others might think about me. “Who does she think she is?” Notice what I said there? What I think others think about me. On and on, these thoughts are created and perpetuated by guilt and fear. Guilt and fear created from years of self defeating thought patterns about the kind of person I should be, the kind of person who is ‘good’ and ‘serves the community.’ Community is a word used a lot at my kids’ school. It rattles my chain and evokes strong defensive reactions as it always seems linked to asking me to do stuff I don’t like. I don’t want to cook pot roast for someone when they have a baby because I barely manage to cook for my own family each day. I don’t want to go along and help my daughter learn to knit, I did that and forgot it 30 years ago; I barely get around to minor stitching repairs in the work basket at home. This could go on. But suffice to say, I simply don’t get my energy from the practical stuff, it more often drains than fills my cup. I’m in my head – well, more accurately my heart. I’m always contemplating the meaning of life and the big stuff every chance I get. I’m not the person to call when there’s cooking or crafting or socializing, I’m the one you go to when you want a perspective on something emotional. While I’m perfectly capable of doing the practical things in my life, I know they can be a drain on my energy, so I’ve learned to look for the things I can do easily, and do those. But some part of me is still not satisfied with that, comparing me to the mums who thrive on the practical and the stereotypes of women in the patriarchal age. Look at how much energy I’ve put in to defending myself in just this article alone. Imagine what goes on in my head. Even though I do what I can, I feel different, and defensive, and guilty and fearful no one will like me. Then I remember I’m not supposed to care about that and feel bad that I’ve let my mind get carried away again. Then I remember to feel grateful that I’ve recognised it. Conscious awareness is such a big step in our evolution. Being conscious of all this garbage in my head makes me feel some shade of schizophrenic most days. But I am truly appreciative of it. Being aware of something is a huge step towards doing something about it. So I keep writing to ‘out’ all those feelings. Each time I do I get to a point of clarity and that is when I remember something important. Confusion is a state of my ego, my mind-driven self. Clarity is a state I reach when I’m in tune with my inner self. So with the light of conscious awareness and the clarity that’s arisen, the first thing I notice is that I’m even struggling to remember what I was confused about in the first place. That tells me that, in so far as my inner truth is concerned, I was frustrating and worrying myself over nothing. My mind had taken over and was trying to do what it too often does best, holds me back. Though I’ve worked hard to ‘out’ all those insane beliefs and thoughts I had rattling around in there, they are still there none the less. Becoming aware of them time and again helps release their grasp. “Oh it’s those old chestnuts” I think, always some version of me being not worthy. It’s hard to imagine with all this introspection and paranoia that I could get arrogant about anything, but neither do I want to keep a hold of all my worries and fears and paranoia in the name of humility. Thankfully now that I am back in tune with my inner self I can see they are all just different sides of the same coin, the currency of ego. Of course, I also know that tomorrow, or in half an hour, or even half a minute, I might be catapulted back into my head about something else and so the process will begin again. For this moment though, the real me is in the driving seat, and the view looks good. If what you read here resonates and you’d like a fresh perspective on a situation in your own life, feel free to contact me. There’s no charge or strings attached, I truly enjoy helping where I can, click here for further information. To be the first to receive these posts, you can also opt to subscribe to my blog. When I awoke, I couldn’t quite catch a hold of what I’d dreamt, but the feeling of it lay around me like a fog on a cold winter’s morning. It wasn’t a nice feeling, it was a feeling of struggle, of being weighed down.
I guess this is how I feel right now, and I don’t want to. I left my corporate life over 3 years ago to fix this feeling. We moved our family from Auckland to the Bay of Plenty to escape the rat race. My partner has set up business here and he is doing well. Our kids go to school here, in short, we have started to grow roots. Feel into the fog… What I’m feeling, I think, is the lack of any shoots when it comes to my own path. Despite shaking off the corporate hat, there are still a lot of hats. My time is not my own often enough, consistently enough, to fill my cup perhaps. These thoughts don’t feel good. I can sense some part of me wanting to take action and it’s rallying for bold action. And yet… I’ve been there, done that. I’ve moved house, moved town, moved country. I’ve left relationship after relationship. I’ve tried out different careers. I’ve run out of bold moves, well, certainly I’m feeling no impulse towards any in particular. This last few years was my time in the desert, my time under the Bodhi tree, as much as a mother of young kids can take that time anyway. I’ve awakened to the life within, the truths that lie there. My intuitive abilities have been outed and have started to be honed. I even feel that I know my life’s purpose; being here as part of this new consciousnesses awakening on the earth. What I don’t know is how that will play out. I’m just following my inspiration. So when there is no inspiration, only depression, I know this is that part of me that I thought was me for a long time. It’s that part of me that learned to ignore my intuition, to listen to ‘others’ who knew better. That part of me that thought I was an empty vessel at birth, that needed taught who I was and how to be in the world. The Fog starts to clear… Ah, now I see it. It’s the age old battle between me and me. Nurture versus nature. Ego versus spirit. Mind versus intuition. Whatever you want to call it. The answer becomes clearer. There are things I can do, there are things I do do, to nurture that need within. The need for ‘big moves’ is simply an impulse to take off the shroud. To shake all the thoughts and feelings that are depressing the real me. I have to get in at these, or more accurately ‘out’ them. They too swirl around like a fog, creating general malaise. Try to pluck one out and the fog seems thicker. What was I doing yesterday that created such a fog I wonder? Connecting the dots… It was a long Easter weekend. We had a guest, did some socializing, the clocks went back and the kids had an extra day off school. My energy is low. Mum died last year, it was a hard year emotionally and physically. This year is about restoration, filling up my tank. It doesn’t take much ‘have to’ stuff to drain my energy levels, they are still low. When I took off to the other side of the world for a weekend with mum, to say our goodbyes, I thought “I’ve got this”, I was riding high on the stores of energy that are there for such occasions. 30 hours of flying for a 2 night stay and then 30 hours back again. A month later we returned with and to the whole family, this time for a month, to lay her to rest and be there for each other. I must learn to be kind to myself. That was big, for anyone. But the wheel keeps turning. Be kind. This is what I teach my children. What kind of teacher am I if I don’t demonstrate kindness to myself? The reserve tank was dry; I must give myself time and nurture. So I write, to ‘out’ this fog. I don’t want the fog ruling how I feel when I’m awake or asleep. I want to take charge of how I feel. Mostly I just want to allow the love I know is there to flow, it feels so much better than shrouding it in the fog. When I look back at all the years of fog I lived through, it’s hard to believe I put up with being in that state. It’s harder still to take in the sheer numbers of any of us at any one time that live in that perpetual state, believing we are our thoughts, disconnected from everything else. I know what fills my cup. Even today as I juggle washing, grocery shopping, school drop-offs and pick-ups, and have my partner’s month-end and year-end bookkeeping on my ‘to do’ list, among other things, I choose to take time to look into the fog long enough, and with enough focus, to let it clear. Writing always focuses my thoughts; it makes sense of the fog. As I’m writing, I’m remembering the big picture, I’m remembering to be kind to myself and I’m resolving to use the last hour I have free before school pick-up to head to the beach and take a walk. It’s there I’ll find solace and inspiration. The waves crashing on the shore, the sea lapping around my toes, soothing me as I walk. Reminding me that life is stage, we are just actors for a time. The sea will go on lapping and soothing for eons to come, the sun will come up, the birds will take flight. It doesn’t matter how I’m feeling, or who has died, or has been born for that matter, life continues in its infinite guises, transforming over and over. I find the pattern soothing, reassuring, knowing that the fog will pass. As I’ve typed, I’ve become aware of the ache in my shoulders, the universe telling me I’m shouldering too much, most of that is in my head. I’ve become aware again of the temporary nature of my thoughts and feelings. I’m reconnecting with a feeling I like much better – hope. Clarity returns… Life has sent many signs of shoots that I was overlooking, I see those now. The moments of clarity that have resulted in me taking inspired action, no matter how small, the people who have connected with the thoughts I have shared and those who have sought out my help, all little shoots to warm the soul. So if you want to know how to get out of a slump, start with facing the fog, feel into it and let it slowly start to evaporate as you put words to what you feel is in there. Let your thoughts wander, but if you write them down you’ll find it easier to keep focused on your goal – clarity. And it will come, maybe not straight away, but it will come; always. If what you read here resonates and you’d like a fresh perspective on a situation in your own life, feel free to contact me. There’s no charge or strings attached, I truly enjoy helping where I can, click here for further information. To be the first to receive these posts, you can also opt to subscribe to my blog. As William Shakespeare wrote “All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players”. That is the nature of our reality here on Earth of course, everything about our physical existence is temporary yet it’s all telling us a story if we pay attention in the right way.
As I reflected on this, I started to wonder about the people in my life in particular. In this era of social media, our relationships are much more apparent as we continue to connect in the present with those we knew in the past. But as I thought about it, I realised there are really only a small number of people that have much effect on me right now. It’s always like that, people come, people go. It is perhaps easier with hindsight to reflect on the lessons we learned than the ones currently in play. For example, when I think back to my first job in a large company, I cringe to think about my own part in that particular act. The people on stage were very different to those who are now in my life, with the exception of my dad; although his role has now changed somewhat. It was the first time I had ever had staff and a department to run and, as usual, I wanted to be the best I could be. In some ways I succeeded, winning national customer service awards year after year, with promotions and pay rises along the way. In other ways I was party to the emotional drama that remains my signature memory of the place. I was fully aware that having a job as an official apologiser (I ran the Customer Relations department) did not make me an easy person to be around. No one can tell customers to tone down their emotions, so sitting at the end of those bullets day after day, dealing with all the escalated complaints, I got emotional. I called it passion. Now there were times people complained about things and it inspired me into action; hence the career progression and awards. But here is a tip, if that passion is fuelled by emotions like anger, frustration and indignance it’s usually expressed in just the same way. Then last week, an actor with a bit part in my current life reminded me of that time. She was talking to a group of parents about the need to try and communicate without emotion as it makes it a whole lot easier to deal with the issues. She is right but “that’s rich coming from her” I thought. That is when I pondered on the bit part of this particular person “why is she even on my stage?” I wondered, “I hardly know her”. Clearly there are some things I still need to learn and she can teach me. Not that the actors on stage with us really have any awareness of the lessons they are teaching. In fact, if someone is actively trying to teach you something, the real lesson probably lies elsewhere. It’s all about who they are being to you and what it evokes. This led me to think about the full cast. When I tallied up the people in my life right now that have an impact on me – positive or negative – it amounted to relatively few numbers; thirteen to be exact. “Gosh” I thought, “Shakespeare nailed it, it really is like a small cast in a play.” It was also surprising, and perhaps a relief, to realise how many others are in my life in a more neutral way. Those we live with usually rattle our chain more than others, especially when we have been taught how to find fault in everything – a loud drum that beats throughout most of modern society. The same is true for me. As someone who likes a lot of quiet time, an organized and clean house - but does not enjoy organizing and cleaning more than once – it is interesting that I have chosen to have a partner and young kids who constantly challenge me on those fronts. It is also true that we most often choose a mate who is our opposite in so many ways. Realising that these particular actors and I are the main characters in what is likely to be a long running show, my intuition is telling me to grow through the pinch points. It’s up to me whether I want this to be a sitcom, drama, documentary or horror, but I’d like to choose sitcom as it’s so much easier when we can laugh at things. It’s also much easier to laugh at them when I have a broader perspective. So lately I’ve begun a journal that I note things in each night about the nice things people have done for me, or made me feel appreciated or uplifted in some way. That too stems from something I first heard way back at that job I mentioned “notice the good things”, I was just too busy being angry to do that justice then. I figure I have to do something to counteract the tendency that I was trained into to notice all the not-so-good stuff. Interestingly the things that annoy us most about people are likely where our own strengths lie. It was a wakeup call to me to finally realise that things like my communication skills and emotional intelligence are a gift and not everyone finds those things so easy. The other heartening thing about the list of actors on my stage, is that there are many whose role seems predominantly about uplifting and supporting. And of course there are a few who rattle my chain, but I am able to look at those in a different way now. That really is in part thanks to my mum and the role she played in my life. Mum had a strong sense of right and wrong, black and white; so my upbringing was fairly strict and typical of the era and place. As a child and young adult I felt rather controlled and resented those strong opinions that held me in judgment. As an adult, still repeating the same thought patterns and feelings about it, I then realised that I was holding myself in judgment of those opinions rather than my own. Instead of feeling comfortable with my own choices, I was still defending them and that was on me. And as life does, it beat the drum louder and louder until I could really not stand it any longer. Onto the stage of my life came some new protagonists, each more outrageous than the last, so I could really get over this; I needed to get comfortable in my own skin. I found myself confronted by strongly opinionated women in the professional realm until finally I encountered one whose behaviour was outright domineering. “I will not be bullied by you nor anyone else” I heard myself yelling across a meeting room one day at the last protagonist in this life lesson. Finally I had drawn a line. After that, life got a bit easier. I decided to figure out who I really am. I’ve discovered I’m not so black and white as those opinions others tried to force upon me, I’m more about the full spectrum of colours, “each to their own” I feel. On this journey to me, it’s fair to say this lesson comes in many guises. Back in January I wrote about another example in Do What Fuels You and Dump the Rest but I have to say, that reflects only the vestiges of that particular lesson, its grip has loosened and is slowly disappearing. I am not quite there yet but the need to defend, to stop trying to please others or to have them agree with me is negligible in comparison to what it once was. Instead I generally hold to my own beliefs and allow others theirs. In fact, I now believe that is one of my core life lessons – to understand there is no one universal truth, the only real truth is our own. So I look at my mum as one of my greatest teachers, she led me on the journey to me, the discovery of who I truly am, and why I am here in this world. Thankfully in those last years she was here, I had become comfortable enough in my own skin that my relationship with her took on a whole new feel. I was able to drop the blame and appreciate my mum rather than see her in this negative and one dimensional way. No person is singularly how we see them. That really struck me when someone I knew took their own life. My personal experience of them had been only in the last couple of years of their life, and it was a little scary if I’m honest; there is a raw edge to someone who is that unhappy. But at the funeral I got to hear about their life in a much more multidimensional way, and could appreciate the fullness of who they were to the many others in their life. These are some of my biggest lessons so far when it comes to people:
So take stock of who is on your stage right now, note what you like or dislike about them, see if you can connect that with others in your past that may have been similar. If it helps, ask a friend or someone neutral for their perspective. Try to take the helicopter ride on it all, a broader perspective, and see what life may be telling you. It will help you get past the groundhog-day style of life you’ve been leading and take you further along the path of your best life. If what you read here resonates and you’d like a fresh perspective on a situation in your own life, feel free to contact me. There’s no charge or strings attached, I truly enjoy helping where I can, click here for further information. To be the first to receive these posts, you can also opt to subscribe to my blog I Wonder….What You Wonder?
I wonder at the remarkable changes in our society in the last few hundred years and the strides we have made in recent decades alone and I wonder where that accelerated pace of change is going to lead us to in my own lifetime? I wonder just how long I’ll be here, I guesstimate maybe somewhere around 2050 to 2070. I wonder who my children will become? I wonder what path they are here to walk? I wonder in which ways they will change the world? I wonder if I’m getting in their way? I wonder how I can remove any obstacles that stand in their path? I wonder if that will weaken them? Of course. I wonder how easily I can sit with watching them navigate their obstacles? I wonder if that too is part of my journey? Of course. I wonder at what point I’ll be living my life’s purpose more. I wonder if the feeling of lack is holding the more at bay. Of course. I wonder how I can fill up in other ways to distract me? I wonder how to connect with more people who want my help? I wonder when I will get to the point of loving those who get my back up? I wonder when I will get to walk the Camino de Santiago with my spiritual friends? I wonder if that will help me get better at allowing others to be who they are without it getting my back up? I wonder when I’ll get to travel more? I wonder at the many twists and turns my life has taken so far and I wonder where it will lead to in the future? I wonder when most people will wake up to the fear that rules their life? I wonder how to connect people with their inner power? I wonder at some of these ‘world leaders’ people voted in? I wonder whether people really think about the power they are giving away each time they vote to give that power to another? I wonder at the mastery that allows both blatant and subtle subjugation of the masses to the egos of a few? I wonder if people realise the extent to which dogmas espoused by others are ruling their lives? I wonder if people can truly understand the power they have within themselves? I wonder at the power we have vested in money. I wonder at what point we will wake up to – rather than just accept and continue to enable - the bondage that has created? I wonder where the solution beyond exists? I wonder whose soul it burns within? I wonder at the systems of health care that are perpetuated by money in pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceuticals designed to sooth your ills rather than cure. A system designed to keep illness alive. I wonder at the overuse of antibiotics. I wonder at the scorn cast upon those who chose not to vaccinate and the silence as diseases return even among those who have been vaccinated. I wonder when people will wake up to the wellbeing inside? I wonder when the concept of the mind-body connection will be simplified to its most basic component – when you feel bad, whether about something now or something that happened 70 years ago, it shows up in your body in very predictable patterns? I wonder when people will wake up to their own power? I wonder when we will treat education as a lifelong journey rather than an obligatory 10 year slot that one should see as a privilege? I wonder when we will wake up to the inherent intelligence in our newborn and help them to access it rather than thwart it each step of the way? I wonder at how technology has increased connection significantly yet decreased presence just as significantly. I wonder when people will begin to understand that technological connectedness is a crude replica of the connection that exists when we are able to be fully present. I wonder when the masses will tap into that state of presence and connection, which is infinitely more powerful. Despite all that, I wonder at all we have achieved in recent years. I wonder at the advances we have made in our acceptance of gender, colour and orientation as equally valid expressions of humanity, with equal rights. I wonder when we will get to the point of realizing that we are each expressions of a whole and that being reflected in our interactions with one another? I wonder if there is an end point in all this wondering? No. More Wondering. Wonderful! I wonder what I can do to help all of this evolution? Evolve myself. Of course. What do you wonder? With thanks to Sonia Choquette for making me wonder. If what you read here resonates and you’d like a fresh perspective on a situation in your own life, feel free to contact me. There’s no charge or strings attached, I truly enjoy helping where I can, click here for further information. To be the first to receive these posts, you can also opt to subscribe to my blog. |
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