I do not know where to begin, only that there must be some words inside to stir your heart with warmth. In the way it has been for generations we treated you like something that needed tamed, shaped. Like a horse, you got broken. This was society’s way, we knew better than the generation before, but only marginally. We stopped physically lashing out for the most part, but our words, feelings and actions were used to control you none the less. You came knowing your worth, your purpose, and your freedom. We have tried extremely hard to cast layer upon layer on top of your knowing, yet you still feel it do you not? Only now there is no clarity, for now we have succeeded in obscuring it. Clarity will come, but you have to seek it. To know who you are, why you are here, why any of us are here, these are important questions. Right now you believe you are learning to think for yourself. If you start to ask yourself these important questions about your life, there will come a point when you realise that your mind – a most powerful tool – is starting on those outer layers. You are heavily shrouded. Your first answers will be tainted. And more. Yet the answers lie within, keep going. What to do? What to say? To fail you, well, that was our path, and it is a perfect path because it can be nothing else. We have failed you miserably, yet not. Bad is good, in that it shows you the way if you choose to listen. We cannot go back in time, we can evolve from today. Your experiences will play their part in our evolution. Celebrate being not normal. Normal is a zombie of yesterday’s paradigm. As the saying goes, you did not come to live in this world, but to create a new one. We need a new paradigm on earth; you needn’t look far to see this. “But I need money to live”… trapped in today’s Earth. Our potential far exceeds the way we live today. Your potential is incomprehensible to those with rational minds; ignore them as best you can. The answers are there to find, look within. Imagine a life free of economic constraints. Imagine a life free of government control. Actually, be more basic, let’s start somewhere else, you are a teenager after all. Imagine a life free of parental control? Free of the limitations of an educational ‘system’. Imagine a life free of your neurosis about how you look? How you will appear to others. What others will think of you. Imagine a life free of sexual desire. In itself this desire is not a bad thing when it is born of love, but born of lust it is empty, soulless, you know this. So let’s go bigger, imagine a world where people act out of love. Wow, a world where people act only out of love? Sounds like a revisit to the 1970’s. Those hippies transcended their self limiting thoughts using drugs. The same exists today. You do not need drugs to transcend the thoughts we have shrouded you in. You only need to become conscious of how badly these thoughts mess with your happiness. Your thoughts are controllable, so are you feelings. Shoot, now I’ve let the cat out of the bag. Learning how to master that is key to mastering your future. Our future. The future of mankind. When your heart breaks, you have allowed someone’s opinion to become your reality. Realize there is nothing but opinions out there. Nothing said before, by anyone, is anything but opinion. There are no such things as facts – unless you would like me to cite the ‘facts’ of yesteryear to see what a ridiculous concept this is. One plus one does not always equal two, otherwise how would you exist? Man plus woman can equal man plus woman plus child in case you didn’t get that. Perspective changes depending on your plane of thinking. Include this stream of words among those that you need to discern for yourself the truth – and that lies within. Look into your heart for the answer. So you, young teenager, have much to think about. It will take you a lifetime so there is no hurry. For now, as always, enjoy what is before you. Just know that you are more than you thought, you are love personified and you worthy of the future you will create. Is that too big? Did I miss the mark? Then we have made you feel too small. The sadness you feel, the hurt you feel, the anger you feel, is you knowing that life is meant to be more. Yes indeed, you are more, and life is more. But you need to ask yourself those important questions – to know who you are, why you are here and why any of us are here - then go seek your best life and we will stand in amazement at the beautiful future you unfold. Knowing I’ve helped in some way through my writing means a lot - I’d love for you to like, comment on, or share these thoughts with others, or contact me directly at [email protected], I’m always happy to help if I can. To be the first to receive these posts, you can also subscribe to my newsletter and, as a special thank you, you will receive the link to my video 3 Steps to Becoming You.
“Who am I?” I asked, “why are we here?”
The answer came and it keeps coming Obtusely my thoughts wander to my young daughter’s creations She often doesn’t know when to stop, beauty rapidly transforms into chaos I note this is where I am in my musings about life There is much to learn None of it taught in school In fact it is perhaps true to say What is important Is undone in school Though the truth begins before that, at the spawning, the dawning, of each life Parents so unaware of who they have created This tale could go on Let’s say for now that you are so much more than you know Our children, especially those in their first years Are much more so Imagine every thought that has ever been Held in a universal memory bank Instantly accessible to anyone to understands how to direct their attention We come knowing If we come able to access all that is and all that has been Then what use is a parent that tries to teach us to fit in to this world when we have come to create a new one? What use is a school system that teaches knowledge rather than enquiry? History rather than how to shape our future? Imagine your child knows all there is to know And you spend all your time convincing them they know nothing Teaching them fear in a bid to keep them safe Now look around, this is the world we live in I consciously try to focus my thoughts now Because I know my thoughts, together with the way I feel when I am thinking them, shape my reality I understand this isn’t some rah-rah designed to get me to hit my monthly target, drive a Ferrari or live in a mansion, this is serious shit This is the heart of all creation My hope for humanity Is that more of you start to take your thoughts seriously To shake off your shackles of yesteryear when you were taught how unimportant you are When you were subjected to a multitude of opinions that told you how unworthy you are And you see all of that for what it is, opinion Opinions that were relentless, when you were powerless Opinions that were manipulated generation upon generation Rendering you a mere shadow of your true nature Please step out of the shadow You are important Please start to take more care of your greatest gift Your thought Use it consciously Use it wisely It can lead you to your worst nightmare or your best life You decide If I can be more conscious of my own thoughts Heed my own words Then there is indeed hope Taking charge of our own lives, our own feelings, our own thoughts This too, is simply another opinion My hope for humanity Is that you look into your heart And you feel the truth of your own power For human potential to flower again This is my hope Knowing I’ve helped in some way through my writing means a lot - I’d love for you to like, comment on, or share these thoughts with others, or contact me directly at [email protected], I’m always happy to help if I can. To be the first to receive these posts, you can also subscribe to my newsletter and, as a special thank you, you will receive the link to my video 3 Steps to Becoming You. ;This week conversations with friends seemed to centre around connecting with our life purpose. I’ve always wanted to say “…and that is my calling”, but I’m just not quite in that place yet. I can sense it’s getting closer, yet it’s still elusive.
One friend, that I have watched struggle so much in the last year as she has taken off the corporate layers that were weighing her down, reflected on the temporary job she has helping in a school that requires extra assistance with pupils who need more focused attention. She said “although it’s not my life’s purpose it is, at least, doing something more purposeful.” There’s something in that. Then I was reading an account of a young girl whose mother had left her as a baby in a small rural village with her grandparents to bring her up while she went off to seek her fortune in the big city. Years had passed and the little girl was so miserable and sickly as she yearned to see the mother with whom she had no contact nor memories. One day she happened to meet with a very wise lady in the forest and, when asked what was weighing on her tiny shoulders, the little girl shared her heart’s desire as she looked at this lady with tear stained eyes. Unlike the grandparents, this lady made no move to console her with thoughts that one day soon her mother would come. Instead, she quietly and calmly told the little girl that her mother may not come back for 20 years, or ever, though perhaps she would come by next week, she could not say. Her mother, who had not made her fortune in the city, and in fact had lost everything, comforted herself that perhaps at least she had done the best thing for her daughter. The wise lady talked to the little girl about this. Then she asked the little girl to think about the scene her mother would come upon if ever she did return, ailing from her own disappointments and hurts and failure. Would the little girl prefer her mother find her sad and weak, living in run down conditions, or that she find her strong and vibrant, in a thriving environment? From that moment the little girl determined to take more care of herself and the little house she lived in with her grandparents, and this in turn inspired the grandparents and then the neighbours to take more care of their little village. The scene transformed from run down to flourishing. There is something in that too. I may not know yet what role awaits me, but I do trust that one will come about that fits like a glove. In the meantime I can wring my hands and weep for what is not yet in my life, or I can be purposeful and do things that matter. What matters to me matters not. There is not a shelf stacked with ‘good causes’, though society would have you think that. What matters to you matters; discount anything that matters because it's important to someone else. Whether it’s nurturing a seed, taking a hike, contemplating the extraordinary science of nature or throwing a javelin, what matters is that it fills your cup and feels like time well spent. We are often so busy doing things we feel we should do, and being miserable, what is the point in that? Misery was certainly not your life’s purpose, it only points to what you don’t want in your life. A great start, but don’t stay there. If your life is crap, just do something that at least feels better than whatever you are doing right now that is making you miserable. But don’t stop there; keep going, until your life is more joyful than miserable. Be purposeful in filling your cup and then, one dot at a time, one day at a time, it will lead you to your best life. Knowing I’ve helped in some way through my writing means a lot - I’d love for you to like, comment on, or share these thoughts with others, or contact me directly at [email protected], I’m always happy to help if I can. To be the first to receive these posts, you can also subscribe to my newsletter and, as a special thank you, you will receive the link to my video 3 Steps to Becoming You. Possibility has been on my mind a lot lately, I seem to be drawn to stories about the extraordinary capabilities of our kind. I’m not talking particularly about the physical feats of athletes, more about what is possible – natural even - in terms of wellness, healing, intellect and communication.
A few years ago when I watched the sci-fi movie Lucy, starring Scarlett Johanssen and Morgan Freeman, based around the concept that humans don’t use more than 10-15% of the brain’s capacity, I cried. Through an accidental overdose of a mythical synthetic drug, Lucy develops extraordinary abilities (such as telekinesis and telepathy), eventually as the drug continues to be absorbed into her system, she is unable to sustain her human form and dematerializes into non-physical energy. I cried because I felt the movie, albeit a fictional account, had hit upon several truths: one being we are all energy coming into and out of form, the other is our conscious awareness of that energy (and its power and potential) are – even when recognised – so underused. Then last year when I read Jonathan Livingston Seagull, the revised edition with an added fourth part, I felt that also explored the same concept with the added depth of perceptiveness into why humans have shunned the powers and insights available to us. It’s no surprise that since then I’ve also uncovered stories of people alive today who are both consciously aware of their powers and use them to great effect, two recently were particularly interesting. There are the abilities of Teal Swan to divert her waking consciousness to other realms, though her abilities were enhanced by a rather brutal and harrowing start in life. Then there’s the contrasting story of Anastasia, someone you could call a hermit living in nature, who displays extraordinary intellect, wellbeing and knowledge as well as healing powers and astonishing powers of non-physical communication. The interesting thing about these stories, whether you believe them or not, is the possibilities that open up. While I have talked about my own spiritual awakening and the abilities that seem to be opening up in my own life, what I am constantly drawn to are these bigger secrets of the universe. Listening to anyone who clearly channels wisdom greater than that stored in their own head is completely fascinating. It quickly becomes apparent how crude our current science and technology is, and how little we are tapped into both the physical and non-physical worlds around and within us. The question for me is what to do with this expanded view? It’s not that I feel compelled to uncover the secrets of sound energy as indicated by Abraham Hicks in response to a question asked about the pyramids in Egypt, or to investigate the accuracy of Anastasia’s theory for quickly and economically reducing city pollution by 30-40% by inserting a filter of sorts in car bumpers, or the plethora of theories about what our natural environment has to offer or theories in relation to child rearing – in that respect I feel more like I’m awakening to truths already known. As I look around at our world, it’s no mistake that I have felt more than a little dissatisfaction with our education systems, healthcare systems, judicial systems and the very systems of government and enterprise themselves. The premise and philosophies most of our ‘first world’ societies are based on feel too limiting, too primitive and, well, frankly, cut off from what is right under our noses. Many times I’ve wondered about at the questions that arise from apocalyptic stories, and how most of us would fare in a world without ‘modern’ conveniences. And I’ve always been drawn to the ancient wisdom of tribal communities who seem much more in touch with nature and the world around and within them. Yet none of this has compelled me into fields of learning or discovery beyond that which first grabs my attention; I learn what I need to, when I need to, following my intuition. Anastasia was brought up in the purity of nature, in Siberia, well away from human communities of any sort; her raw potential nurtured and allowed to flourish. In contrast I chose a life experience like most, in a society that caused me to close off my intuition early on and learn based on reason, authority and rational explanation. Only 7 or 8 years ago, I was undergoing a Myers Briggs psychometric evaluation as part of a corporate restructure/career planning process that all the senior managers were subject to. By this point in my career I had undergone so many psychometric tests it was hard to keep up with all the labels – and anyone who knows the MBTI evaluation knows it results in 16 boxes you can find yourself in. What really struck me at this point was just how lost I was. In my early twenties when I started doing these kinds of tests, they were fascinating, illuminating even, facilitating lots of personal growth. However, nearing my forties, I was starting on a more determined path to an authentic career. The consultant and I spent a long time discussing sensing versus intuition, thinking versus feeling and judgement versus perception. Now I look back and can see clearly I was emerging from the highly rational, mind-oriented, society-indoctrinated cocoon that had wrapped around Shona Keachie and been presented to the world for nearly four decades. But at that point I couldn’t even clearly answer questions about using my intuition; I just couldn’t decipher who I was. Compare this to the me who has embraced my highly intuitive psychic abilities lately. So I am starting to get a clearer picture about what is possible for humanity, the question is what to do about it? All of this possibility and no clear impulse yet. That is the crux of my musing, life is always full of possibilities regardless of where your spheres of interest lie, the question is what you will do with those possibilities. Of course, I don’t want to get to the end of my life and wish I had done something and instead done nothing, but that is unlikely given my track record. Neither am I going to rush off to the Siberian taiga to find myself, though I do have an undeniable thirst for nature. What I lack at this point is clarity. And that is okay. If I look back at the twists and turns in my own life, I have faith that I will know when the time is right and I’ll act on whatever it is that has inspired me. So I shall just keep interested in following the clues that seem to present themselves – which basically just means I’ll keep doing whatever I feel inspired to do, be it read another book or tune into to anothers’ story or take a walk on the beach. That is all you can do. The world is full of possibilities, can you see those in your own life? Just follow your inspiration one day at a time to uncover your best life. Knowing I’ve helped in some way through my writing means a lot - I’d love for you to like, comment on, or share these thoughts with others, or contact me directly at [email protected], I’m always happy to help if I can. To be the first to receive these posts, you can also subscribe to my newsletter and, as a special thank you, you will receive the link to my video 3 Steps to Becoming You. If you are of my generation – I’m a generation X-er – or older, you were likely brought up in a culture where there was deference to authority. The word of the government, and those systems run by government (the health care system and the education system), or the word of the church, and the people called to them and employed within them “knew better”.
This was a carryover from the hugely powerful opinions that dominated for centuries. As white men adopted technology and thought they knew better than the “savages” they “civilized” large parts of the globe. Let’s cut to the wise words sung in Colours of the Wind in Disney’s Pocahontas: You think you own whatever land you land on The earth is just a dead thing you can claim But I know every rock and tree and creature Has a life, has a spirit, has a name You think the only people who are people Are the people who look and think like you But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger You'll learn things you never knew And so as the money that ‘great’ British Empire was built upon diminished, people are slowly learning that the great systems of government - even those created in ‘breaking free’ of the Empire - are no longer so great after all. There was a time when healthcare actually involved a deeper level of care, and sadly many who are healers and compassionate in their core are drawn into a system that is more about budgets and targets these days. In the words of Alan Shore, played by James Spader, in Boston Legal: “The fact is the U.S. pharmaceutical industry spends almost twice as much on promotion as it does on research and development. That’s obscene!” Albeit this is from a fictional storyline, it points to something that is evident. Dee McCaffrey (one of the government scientists that put together the original food pyramid, the government’s recommendations of healthy proportions of food groups) talks about how pressure from the big food companies ended up in the pyramid changing, with way more emphasis on bread than was actually though healthy. She also talks about the history of stevia – a natural sweeter that does not upset the chemical balance within your body in the same way as refined sugars and sweetners, and can be harvested quite cheaply in plentiful amounts – and how the company selling artificial sweeteners in the early part of the twentieth century lobbied the government to ensure stevia was discredited and made unavailable. Yet many still look to their doctor for healthcare advice and treatment. Doctors study for jobs that largely involve surgical procedures and pharmaceutical interventions that ‘bomb the enemy’. Look to any war to see the devastation that creates in society for decades, even centuries, beyond. The same is true within the microcosm of society that exists within our own bodies. Alternative therapies and/or complementary therapies have been positioned in a derogatory way next to the big pharmaceuticals. Setting aside energy medicines that are based on the belief we are made of energy and essentially non-physical beings having a physical experience (that is a whole other debate, but you will find fields like neuroscience and epigenetics are now starting to point to this), even those therapies that have a direct effect on the physical system, like nutritional supplements, massage therapy and herbal remedies are often seen as woo woo. Even when they are not, too many people still put their healthcare in the hands of “medical professionals” who are generally less likely to have the knowledge and experience about these alternative and complementary therapies – never mind funding - that can help the patient back to a point of wellbeing. Certainly very few are funded to offer these as treatment routes. Meanwhile there are many more health practitioners out there who have studied many of these alternative therapies in great depth, and continue to keep abreast of the latest research and findings despite the many attempts to discredit or downplay their importance. But because of an ingrained deference to the ‘authority’ of traditional systems, too many people are still missing out. If you haven’t looked lately, over the last 20 years huge swaths of research and studies have been undertaken around the world that seek to understand alternative medicines and their effects on humans, and to understand our emotional wellbeing and its’ effects on illness, and even to understand consciousness itself. I could talk in similar ways about the education system, and its effect on burgeoning humans – and the various doctrines of any church. Dare I say all of these things are simply the perspective of a person. Even those whom channel the energy of that you might call God, or spirit, have channeled it through their physical apparatus with all of its limitations. This is a perspective, it is no more valid or credible – and no less so – than anyone else’s. Each person experiences life from a different vantage point, and (regardless of training and experience) all anyone EVER has to offer you is an opinion. No more, no less. Look to our new generations, who pay much less attention to ‘authority’ because they see it for the falsehood it is, it is only an opinion, and certainly it is not absolute. The only opinion that really counts, the only ONE truth, is the truth you hold within yourself in this moment. I’m not talking about the truth as you were taught to believe it, the one that speaks from the facts and figures stored in your mind, I’m talking about the wisdom that resides in your own heart, your own intuition, which can always discern your own truth, the way that is best for you right now. Putting your life, whether in its physical, mental or spiritual capacity, in the hands of any other authority than your own, is detrimental to your wellbeing. Sure, seek advice, seek opinions, but take charge of your beliefs, question the thoughts that reside as a result of your early upbringing, they may no longer serve you. Not to put too fine a point on it, reexamining your beliefs can save your life. Take your wellbeing into your own hands. Your own opinion is the only one that counts. Knowing I’ve helped in some way through my writing means a lot - I’d love for you to like, comment on, or share these thoughts with others, or contact me directly at [email protected], I’m always happy to help if I can. To be the first to receive these posts, you can also subscribe to my newsletter and, as a special thank you, you will receive the link to my video 3 Steps to Becoming You. |
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