“I don’t want to be safe” Victoria snapped at Albert, “I want to be free”. This was the Queen’s response to her husband as the Prince Consort attempted to keep his wife well away from further danger following an assassination attempt.
My interest piqued, freedom’s melody stirred deep within. It is interesting that the scale of our emotions bears direct correlation to the sense of freedom, or lack of, we feel. From the depths of despair (where we feel completely powerless) to the soaring heights of joy (where we know anything is possible) freedom is at the very heart of human experience. You are born knowing your power, and you rallied against any sense of it being taken from you. You still do, always, in some way. As a child I was fiercely independent, yet outwardly accepting of my parent’s rules and accepting of society's rules. As a young adult I became quite anxious, so many people to please. Slowly but surely though, that part of me that knows my own power has stepped out of the shadows and has started to reclaim the freedom that was there all along, despite others’ attempts to suppress it. As a Scot, the rousing speech delivered by Mel Gibson as William Wallace always springs to mind at the sound of the word freedom: “Fight and you may die. Run and you'll live… at least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom?” In most cases though, we are not talking life or death, just everyday examples that slowly suck away at your life force instead. It often seems safer to stay with the status quo than to risk something new. For years in relationships I tussled this way and that with power. Constantly we forego our own desires in order to please others, or with some sense of duty to family. Somewhere, somehow, is the thought that I have to make this person happy, or they me. The best relationship vows I’ve ever heard go: “I love you, but there is someone who comes first before you; my own alignment with the inner me. That is who I am devoted to, who I am feeling for, who my commitment is to. My promise to you is that I will give you, as much as I can, the fullness of me rather than the separated me and give you the gift of living with someone who is aligned. What this means for you is I won’t be needing or demanding (from you) behaviour in order for me to be happy; my happiness will depend on my focus. By prioritizing my own happiness I can assure you that you will never feel so adored and appreciated as when I’m in that happy, aligned, place.” Yet as a parent, I started out placing so many conditions on my children, one of the catch phrases I developed early on was “it’s my job to keep you safe”. Why? Because that is what society teaches us, right from the get-go, fear everything. If only I knew then what I know now, but no use for regrets. My catch phrase now tends more towards “I need to get myself in a good space”. For I have learned that, to access my own power, I need to be fully tuned in to that part of me that knows its worth, knows it’s free to choose my responses. It’s from that place I am of most value to my kids; or anyone. From anything other than that place, I teach fear. That is what this world has taught for a long time. We have become unaccustomed to feeling our own power, the power to manifest whatever we want in our lives from a place of unadulterated freedom. On the face of it, many of us face oppressed circumstances in life, feeling stuck in relationships, jobs or other so called commitments. But even in extreme circumstances, as Viktor Frankl taught, it is not those conditions that determine our own state of being, it’s how we choose to view those conditions. My eldest daughter, like all others, keenly feels her sense of freedom. While we have chosen a school that best fits our desire for her to be allowed to be who she is, it is a school none the less. At 6, she resents having to turn up every day (which equates to half the days in the year given weekends and school holidays), she balks against it time and again. When she is there she loves it, she just resents having to go. It is not my goal to give my children free reign, allowing my daughter to pick and choose when she attends is not the answer for many reasons. I can however show my children, through my own example, how to reach for their own power. While my daughter can’t change the schooling system or legal requirements and obligations overnight, she can change the way she feels about it, or not. That is hers alone to determine, and that is where her freedom lies. This is not to say we should simply accept our circumstances and give up, as the saying goes “grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” All things can change in time, there’s another quote apt here “If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, I know I can achieve it.” So ultimately, if freedoms melody is calling you, perhaps it’s time to stop listening to all the “what if’s” in your head and the fear they perpetuate, and time to listen to your heart and the power within. Now is the perfect time to set new intentions, to take risks, to break free of the ‘safe’ world in which you live. There can be no more laudable intention than to discover, and to hold in the highest regard, those inner dreams and desires you hold for your life. Knowing I’ve helped in some way through my writing means a lot - I’d love for you to like, comment on, or share these thoughts with others, or contact me directly at [email protected], I’m always happy to help if I can. To be the first to receive these posts, you can also subscribe to my newsletter and, as a special thank you, you will receive the link to my video 3 Steps to Becoming You.
And does it matter? When I was posed this question recently, that was my first thought. If we live in a multidimensional multiverse, with many realities playing our simultaneously, what is the significance of this reality in this time and space?
If we in fact are unique expressions of the one ever expanding source, and our own consciousness is playing out simultaneous realities far beyond our comprehension, if this particular reality changed its form and ceased to exist as we know it today, it just seems in some ways insignificant. For if there is life and more life, then it would imply that our consciousness would just continue on in other ways anyway. These are all the thoughts that welled to the surface within minutes of being asked the question, I could feel a playful bubbling sensation within that tells me my inner voice has more to say and is willing to play with me on this topic. My next thought was of sitting in the living room of an old friend many years ago. I think I was 18 or 19 years old. My friend’s father was a doctor of physics and, aside of lecturing on the topic, participated in a global committee considering all manner of big questions. “How many dimensions do you think there are Shona?” he asked. At that time, the consensus was apparently 10. Nearly a quarter of a century later there are growing bodies of scientists who are beginning to acknowledge that our ‘science’ is a glimmer on a speck of dust in the vast sea of collective consciousness out there. How would I define consciousness? As life, seen and unseen, in its ability to create independently and collectively. From the thoughts we are aware of, to those we are not, to the amazing capacity of the cells within and those particles beyond. So what does it mean for us, as a species, to become truly conscious? It really refers to the process of becoming aware of that which you were previously not. It’s a process of unlocking the power within. Each human arrives into this world knowing their power, knowing their worth; you only need look into the face of a newborn to see this truth reflected back to you. These little babies are probably the largest group of our species on the planet who know our truth. Then of course the human mind starts to take its course, its patterns (known as our subconscious) largely shaped in those first 7 years of life through impression and imitation. Unwittingly, and usually in well meaning, these patterns have a tendency to play out as some version of “you are not worthy” as we think it’s our job to keep and to teach our little ones to be safe and to fit in. So right from the outset, instead of teaching by example to tune into your inner knowing, your inner power, you are taught to fear. Over the years, you begin to attract many experiences into your life that reinforce the beliefs that started to form in those early years; you get what you think about in life. The average human therefore walks around completely unaware that, of the 60-70,000 thoughts they have each day, 90% of them come from their subconscious and are holding them back from achieving what we all want in life – let’s sum it up as happiness. Awakening to your thoughts, becoming aware of your inner dialogues, the feelings that correlate with them and the experiences that result, is the first step of awakening to your true potential. Once you become aware, you can’t help notice there are patterns playing out that make no sense for you today. You can’t erase your patterns, but you can start to create newer, healthier ones with time and practice. You become aware that you are the creator of your own reality. Over time, and with continued practice, feeling bad becomes less and less tolerable. You take those feelings as your inner cue that what you are thinking is not a match for your inner truth. You start tuning in more to the powerful voice within; the only one that can reveal your truths. No one and nothing ‘out there’ can give you those; they can only inspire you towards them. Becoming ‘truly conscious’ therefore means you are in tune with your inner world and dancing to the beat of your own drum. This is a state in which people follow their passion, a truly selfish state which paradoxically results in more acts of selflessness. For once you have tapped into the power within, you know that we are all connected. That you are me and I am you; we are a reflection of one another. Nothing in our life happens by coincidence, it happens with precision and patterning of an exquisite nature far beyond our ability to compute. Our life, the creation and expression of which is a reflection of our inner thoughts and feelings, therefore by our own design consciously or subconsciously, is played out through a series of happenstance and events that occur by our attraction. From all that I can observe, there are many today becoming aware of all of this and awakening to their own true nature and power. It is so because these desires were set in motion long ago and are now playing out with more momentum than ever before. We are co-conspirators in this evolution of consciousness. Coming back to the original question, it feels to me – at this stage – a mute one, for we are consciousness becoming aware of itself. A world where more and more people are becoming aware of their power within, where that power can only be accessed when you are aware of your thoughts and patterns and you are feeling good, is a world far evolved beyond the one I was born into. In a world where there is more of that gathering momentum, there is more trumped up versions of the old world (excuse the pun) rearing their head, it’s the desperation of a death dance, the end of an era of fear. Of course, this is playing out, and it is exciting to participate in, but it is only another chapter in our ever evolving world. This is a world of contrast, knowing what we don’t like and don’t want sharpens the detail of what we do want, bringing it into creation ever more rapidly. So if this evolution brings in a world of peace, you can be sure it will only be temporary; and really, would you want it any other way? With thanks to Les Butchart for asking the question. Knowing I’ve helped in some way through my writing means a lot - I’d love for you to like, comment on, or share these thoughts with others, or contact me directly at [email protected], I’m always happy to help if I can. To be the first to receive these posts, you can also subscribe to my newsletter and, as a special thank you, you will receive the link to my video 3 Steps to Becoming You. “You’re sure to do impossible things… when you follow your heart” wise words sung by Jacquismo the swallow in Disney’s Thumbelina movie. This was playing in my head when I happened to glimpse a short video about a teenager who has instigated an amazingly simple yet powerful project to clean up the vast quantity of plastic bags in our oceans.
My favourite quote of Boyan’s, the innovative teenager, is “Human history is a long list of things that were impossible.. and then got done.” Like many in the run up to this holiday season my days seems crammed full right now of things to be done that I wouldn’t class as inspirational. But I’ve learned that there are no coincidences, so as I heard these messages this week I thanked the universe for the serendipities that brought them to me. I often marvel at how I can know something, totally believe it, write about it and share it, and then make myself an exception. Conceptually, yes, anything is possible. As Napolean Hill is quoted as saying “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve”. Why these messages, why now? Now and always, it’s a great thing to be reminded of. So much has changed in my life in the last couple of years, I’m so much more me for so much more of the time. Yet I want to be me, the real me, to know who that is all of the time. But… And there is where my doubts kick in. When I’m with my young children and there’s chores to be done, or I’m acutely aware of the lack of time I have to myself, how is it possible (I wonder) how will my dreams unfold amid this quagmire of circumstances? Then literally, as I took a short break from writing this and read less than a page of a book that I hadn’t picked up in a while, Path of Empowerment by Barabara Marciniak, these words jumped out at me: “Situations and people appearing to limit and control your reality can serve many purposes, depending on your interpretation and point of view”. It’s like school holidays, this is the first year my kids won’t be in any kind of child care or holiday programme. At first that made me feel suffocated, yet, as we are nearing it, a sense of freedom is opening up. Right now I am acutely aware of ‘the machine’ that requires too much conformity over the term, the kids and I are both longing for an unadulterated period of non-conformity. Thoughts of summer days, doing what we like, when we like, are very appealing. Sure, I’ll need to sense into moments when I can have time to meditate and to contemplate and to write, but I do actually trust they will come now instead of worry about how to carve them out. Just as I’ve been more attuned lately about when to share advice, or to say yes (or to say no) to an activity, I can trust – and will have more freedom – to allow the same flow of impulses to guide this time ahead. I’ve been holding a lot of people at bay socially, because we have been so exhausted conforming to the machine (requirements of attending kindergarten and school in this case), so I admit I’m actually now really looking forward to the school holidays, it’s a 180 degree turnaround! Life is quite astounding when you make some room for it. Opening up is an act of courage, because you feel you might get overwhelmed if those gates are opened even a crack. I’m not talking about mimicking Jim Carrey in Yes Man here, I’m talking about making eye contact, smiling, saying no by saying yes to what you can do, gladly. I’m talking about reengaging with the serendipities that are all around and trying to get your attention. You know what you want, even if you can’t speak it but only sense that it’s not what you have right now. Are you listening out for your messages, or are you too embroiled in the doing, too closed off to hear them right now? The inner you knows what you like and don’t like. Listen. As we head into a new year, a natural break in pace for many of us, we start to turn inwards, reflecting on all our hopes and dreams. I hope you will remember Boyan, and his amazing invention that will help clean up our oceans and tackle at least that one aspect of our own environmentally detrimental behaviour. You don’t need to want to change the world, but you do need to change your inner world. Then, as you do, anything becomes possible for you in 2017. Knowing I’ve helped in some way through my writing means a lot - I’d love for you to like, comment on, or share these thoughts with others, or contact me directly at [email protected], I’m always happy to help if I can. To be the first to receive these posts, you can also subscribe to my newsletter and, as a special thank you, you will receive the link to my video 3 Steps to Becoming You. Jonathan Livingston Seagull is a novella first published by author Richard Back in 1970. It was and still is an immensely popular and iconic book. It’s the story of a seagull who loves to fly for the perfection of flying in itself rather than as a simple means to finding food. It’s a story for those who follow their hearts, who live in the flow of their life, who are tuned in to the impulses prompted from an inner world that cannot be seen, heard or touched, only sensed within…
Her name was Christine, I was 15 years old. She was a good person, so good I could only aspire to be that good. Different. No gossip, no malice, but happy to help those less fortunate and focused on her studies. I had glimpsed it in others from time to time, but none were as consistent as her. I knew about pursuing excellence, at the age of ten I had chosen swimming as a competitive sport, I knew the discipline of getting up in the cold light of dawn (not enticing in the Scottish climate) to head to the pool, and back again after dinner at night, day after day pounding up and down the lanes. I knew all about applying myself at school, I got into university and felt it would be good to get a degree since I had no clue what else to do. Nothing resonated, nothing stirred inside. At university, a friend said one day “don’t choke on your halo”. I can’t remember what it was even about, perhaps I was being sanctimonious. ‘Good’ was not valued. I was finding my way. Religion held nothing, in fact it stopped me exploring my spiritual world for some time as I wrote about in an article last year. The fourth part of Jonathan Livingston Seagull, missing all those years but published recently, resonated strongly. At the point at which I arrived at the end of the natural course of schooling and study, I still had no clue what I wanted to do or who I was. I longed to travel, but it wasn’t common in those days and I had no real money; I was also too scared to do it on my own. Then, still in my early twenties, after a particularly unhealthy relationship, I developed panic attacks. At that time, the mind-body connection was even more lost on the medical profession than it is today. After being tested for everything from a chest infection to HIV, and being pretty much house bound since every venture outside seemed to lead to collapse, the doctor finally sent me to a psychiatrist, who pronounced “generalised anxiety and panic attacks”. I bought a book, Panic Attacks by Christine Ingham, it taught me the physiology of what was happening to my body and the mind-body connection so – now understanding I wasn’t about to die – taught myself how to overcome them. During that time I had met a guy who was to become my first husband. He lived some distance from me, so we would write long letters to each other almost every day. Writing has always been a natural way for me to express and sort out my innermost thoughts and feelings. Such a natural part of my life I would never have really thought about it as anything special. My twenties then became defined by the personal development attached to a network marketing venture my husband and I got involved with. While, ultimately, 7 years on I had decided neither the venture nor husband should remain a permanent part of my life, I had grown enormously. Inspired, learning about ‘dream boards’ and goal setting, the power of the mind in manifestation (though that is not a term I’d of known then). Words from mentor’s stories resonating still “If you’re going to be somebody then stand up and be somebody”. Moving into a new career and new relationship, I found a place to thrive for a while. Winning several national awards in customer services and finding my ‘strategic self’, I still felt dissatisfied. A car accident – the third in which I had sustained a whiplash injury – eventually led me to massage therapy, and conversations that opened my inner world. Thoughts turned again to travel, and emigration, and the long process of applying to live in New Zealand began. Throughout that time I began to explore more of my inner world, gently, through guided meditation. As my second marriage began to break down, more space opened up. Finally arriving in my new country in 2006, happily single and living alone for the first time in my life, I was introduced to a lady who is a pychic remedial psychologist. The word ‘psychic’ was a bit off-putting, but I was in a new space, open minded, and our conversations always resonated and left me with a sense that I had bigger plans for my life, there’s more to discover. Around the same time I watched the early version of “the Secret”, and first heard Abraham Hicks. I had no idea what ‘channeling’ was in those days, I just knew I had never heard such wise words as I was hearing from the mouth of Esther Hicks. Then I met my now partner, and the next block of my life was consumed in having children (my beautiful daughters are pregnancies 5 and 6). The journey to having children taught me a lot about the process of allowing rather than resisting in retrospect (as I recount in another article). At the time though I was simply surviving, finding no satisfaction in the corporate world. Awakening In 2014, I truly awakened to what Jonathan is saying, I awakened to a life much bigger than the one I had recognised before. It was a series of smaller things, an accumulation of tiny steps over the years, beginning to see the unhealthy patterns in my life for what they were. Then my osteopath told me about a book she’d read when we were talking about channeling one day; Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian Weiss. It’s the true story of a well respected ‘mainstream’ psychiatrist, his young patient, and the past-life therapy that took them both by surprise and changed their lives. What struck me about that book was that much of the ‘constructs’ and ‘principles’ that my psychic friend had referred to about the non-physical over the years, that I had put to one side as I let everything else she said wash over me, suddenly clicked into place and made more sense. Then I went to watch Lucy, a film about a young woman who is captured by drug traffickers, who forcibly sew a bag of mind expanding ‘new-to-the-market’ drugs into her abdomen. While Lucy is in captivity, one of her captors kicks her in the stomach, breaking the bag and releasing a large quantity of the drug into her system. As a result, she begins acquiring increasingly enhanced physical and mental capabilities, such as telepathy, telekinesis, mental time travel, and the ability not to feel pain or other discomforts. At the end of the movie, as the drugs have allowed her to fully transcend her mind, she evaporates. Her friend rushes in to save her and shouts “where’s Lucy” and a text appears on his phone “I’m everywhere”. I just cried. My partner looked at me “It’s only a movie”. “I know it’s not a true story” I replied, “but it’s the truth”. I was awakened. From there my spiritual growth has been rapid, I’ve taken in more of the context for the basis of life and I have awakened to the lessons Jonathan learned and taught. Around the same time my psychic friend had a message “teaching columnist”. I remember it distinctly, where I was sitting, what I was looking at. For 8 years I had longed for just a straight answer about what I should be doing with my life, what my purpose for being was. Now here it was, the next step anyway. It made sense, I liked to teach and I liked to write. But how? At the time I was the main breadwinner of the family and could see no way out. Of course, I know now that ‘how’ is not my question to answer, I just needed to be open to the serendipities that would take me there. That came just a month or two later. After attending a yoga workshop with Kim Eng, Eckhart Tolle’s partner, an afternoon of just being continually and gently brought into the present moment, my vibrational energy had shifted. Two days later I had manifested a healthy redundancy package that bought me time. Changes to My Life It changed everything. We sold up and moved away from the hefty house prices of the big city, to a town with great feeling energy. It’s been an interesting couple of years. I’ve gone from an empty, high flying corporate life, to one where I’m more me than I’ve ever been. I published my first blog article last year and have continued to publish at least one each week since. Recently I wrote an article, who are you not to follow your dreams, motivated by others who have felt inspired by something I’ve written and then contact me, sharing their own lack of confidence. I write for the joy of it, the deliciousness of getting into tune with myself and letting my fingers loose on the keyboard to begin to answer whatever question has been inspired from within. It’s not about the writing of course, it’s about the ongoing focus and practice of being in tune with the real me. Being out of whack with my higher self feels so intolerable now I know all this, yet I’m still more out of step than in alignment than I’d like to be. The feeling when that alignment occurs is like nothing else, and I understand the possibilities that Jonathan lived, transcending space and time. I now understand why Christine made such an impression at school, she was just in her own flow, she was so ‘good’ because that was what made her feel good. I have no idea what life holds, I just know it’s going to get better and better, and I keep practicing tuning into the impulses life sends so I can keep going with it as it unfolds. Knowing I’ve helped in some way through my writing means a lot - I’d love for you to like, comment on, or share these thoughts with others, or contact me directly at [email protected], I’m always happy to help if I can. To be the first to receive these posts, you can also subscribe to my newsletter and, as a special thank you, you will receive the link to my video 3 Steps to Becoming You. As far back as I can remember I’ve used writing as a way to focus my thinking and express my innermost thoughts. As a teenager I kept journals, I’d write love letters and I also had a number of friends over the years that lived some distance away and we would write to keep in touch. Writing for me is always a cathartic experience. That said, it’s not always cathartic for the reader…
Writing is the most focused form of thought, and it’s our thoughts – and feelings attached to them – that create our experience in life. It’s no wonder I created a lot of tumultuous times in the past! Often I’d turn to writing as a way of working through things that were hurting me, it brought me back to a quiet centre of stillness. The need to for others ‘to know how I feel’, I have learned, is something to be very wary of. Unleashing on another your innermost fury or fears is only likely to have an adverse affect, it holds them in that time and space where they (likely inadvertently) hurt you in some way. I remember at one point in my earlier career a new salesperson at our system suppliers saying “ah, you’re that Shona, that letter you wrote us is infamous”. Of course as soon as I had written the letter, spelling out in every detail my expectations and disappointment with the process of developing a new system together, I had the clarity I needed about a way forward and I had forgotten all about it. Not so at their end. Oops. Many times in my life I have regretted something I’ve written. Now, in my mid-40’s I’m starting to get better at it, though my children’s school will attest it’s still hit and miss. However, I am now more aware and focused on being in a good-feeling space before I write. It’s much healthier to get myself into a good place and then use that writing to focus on what I wish to experience instead of what I have experienced. Not something I’d recommend sharing if it’s directed at a person, a bit too sanctimonious. But if you can figure out what you’d like to experience and start thinking of examples of when you have observed that kind of behaviour from them, well, that is something to share in appreciation. People ask me about my journey as a writer, and I struggle with the answer because writing – for me – is an instrument. I’m grateful for the gift, I cherish it, but it’s an instrument none-the-less. Until a few years ago, it was generally associated with all I have talked about until now, working out the kinks in my life. In my career, aside of the few disastrous attempts to work through issues with co-workers, my writing had been used to better effect in bringing people on a journey during change and transformation. My others talents, as a visionary, and as someone who can proverbially weave together lots of threads to create a big picture, work beautifully with my talent for the written word. But as I became more aware of the dichotomy within – that the life I was living and who I was being on the outside was no match for the person on the inside - I made a more determined effort to figure out who that person was. I realised that there were two versions of me and I became determined to allow the one within to bubble to the surface and reveal herself. That is the point at which I started a blog. So writing for me is a portal into growth and learning, for exploring the mysteries of the universe within. I can’t say that I was ever taken aside by a teacher in English literature and told how beautifully I write, in fact, it held very little interest for me at school. Instead I opted for math and business studies. There is somewhat of a genetic heritage though I believe, my great grandmother was an English teacher, and the importance of good grammar, punctuation and spelling was imbued from childhood. There was a point (many years on) when I was exploring career options that I considered writing. In typical fashion I saw that playing out (in a 2 minute ride in my imagination) and leading to lots of travel to promote books and so forth, and that is where the dream got shut down. It was just the wrong point in my life. I did go so far though as to purchase a book on self publishing and another on writing well. One I read cover to cover, the other made a good support as part of a pile of books under the bed. William Zinsser’s Writing Well is a classic and deservedly so. The key message I took from it was about flow, the purpose of grammar and spelling and such forth, is simply about allowing the reader to get swallowed up in what you are writing about rather than getting tripped up on how it’s written. That made sense to me. Though these days there are sites and people online who will edit and ghost write for you, so there are no excuses for keeping your ideas locked inside. I am truly grateful for this gift that I was given, but it is not the sustenance of my life. It’s the exploration, the learning and the growth that I express through my writing that sustains me. The inner journey to the realms beyond those we can touch, except with our hearts and our imagination, is where my true joy lies. The practice that requires of you an absolute desire and intent to hold yourself in a good feeling space is where my quest lies, for within that alignment the secrets to the soul unlock. Each week as I sit at my keyboard, it is for the deliciousness of that experience, and that alone, that drives me. I encourage everyone to follow their passion because I believe that is where true success lies. A world where everyone is tuned into their natural wonder, talents and abilities is a world far removed, yet attainable, from where we are today. Knowing I’ve helped in some way through my writing means a lot - I’d love for you to like, comment on, or share these thoughts with others, or contact me directly at [email protected], I’m always happy to help if I can. To be the first to receive these posts, you can also subscribe to my newsletter and, as a special thank you, you will receive the link to my video 3 Steps to Becoming You. |
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