Last week I caught up with an old friend, who was telling me about a pretty serious problem that they’d battled with since their early school years. The decades of issues that then ensued stemmed from being bullied on an otherwise normal day. When they apologised for the way they had treated me, I was stunned by the revelation within my own subconscious. This was not a person that had treated me badly, in fact I had felt that I was to blame for the rift between us. As a child I had done fairly well at the things I turned my hand to, and I always had plenty to say, so I thought people got sick of me. The one thing standing between us and our best life is, it seems, our subconscious mind. We now know that each person thinks 60-70,000 thoughts a day, and over 90% of them are a repeat of yesterdays. That is an overwhelming amount of thoughts that we are largely unaware of, that sit buried in our subconscious. Our subconscious mind starts building it’s foundations in the earliest years of our lives. We come into the world a conscious being, with traits, talents, perhaps even a purpose, yet for many years we are treated as if we know nothing. The well meaning older beings around us, in a bid to save us from ourselves, convey messages that constantly undermine the way we feel about ourselves. It’s not usually deliberate, I know firsthand as a parent that for every time I recognise the beauty within my children, there are dozens of other interactions serving (in intent) to save them or some piece of property from harm. Worse, there are the vain attempts to save me from being dragged into some spiraling vortex of their disappointment or anger at one thing or another. I know how difficult it is to let the beauty flow; the urge to control, from beginnings of being controlled, is strong. Some remember the feeling as a child of being stopped in the tracks of your heart’s desires, whether it be as small as being stopped from alleviating a parents robe of a waist tie that, in your awesome imagination, would serve as a lasso or a set of reins, or whether it is as big as heart wrenchingly being kept from another parent or loved one. There is a reason ‘Let it Go’ is such a popular song with kids, all those pent up feelings, making their way into their subconscious. Magnets for all other thoughts thereafter that reinforce some version of you not being worthy. It struck me that I had just learned more depth to a saying I had once heard “people don’t do things to you, they do things for themselves”. The things that we do, we do as a result of the thoughts in our head, and usually we are doing them out of fear and a lack of self worth. My friend wasn’t fat, or greedy, as the bullies had alleged, in fact quite the opposite. Who knows why that event had served as such a strong magnet for further thoughts that maintained a lifetime pattern of expulsing food. However it’s easy to see how the feelings and thoughts begin if we experience rebukes for the early impulses to reach for a piece of cake or something else yummy. That fear of greed can stop people from going after their dreams as they worry they will appear too greedy to others. Whatever your fear is will keep you back from being the person you came to be, the person you’d be the happiest as. The unrestrained, uninhibited version of you. For me it was about not wanting to stick my head above the parapet, not wanting to be seen as a tall poppy, not wanting to put myself out there lest it make others feel bad, or me appear arrogant. Even as I write it here, there is a subconscious voice I’m aware of; we can never erase our subconscious. The best we can do is to create new thought patterns, stronger ones. Looking for the root cause has little fruit to bear, in fact it’s unimportant. What is important is to consciously (at first) create new thought patterns that better serve you. There is not one person among us who has nothing to give, and there is no greater gift than being who you truly are in this world. Over the years as I’ve read, or heard others talk, there have been certain calls to action; statements made that have resonated deeply within my soul. Noticeably an old mentor speaking from stage “if you’re going to be somebody, then stand up and be somebody”. I’m now so well persuaded that our purpose for being is to let our light shine, that the only thing scarier than putting myself out there, as I said recently, is not doing it at all. Still, announcing my website to friends and family was a wrestle with the subconscious, as was publishing articles before that. Looking upon the relationship with my old friend through new eyes is still a wrestle of the subconscious. Rationally I can fathom it all out, but rewriting the way we feel about things in our past is not so easily won. We have played the same tapes so often there are a million more examples just waiting to prove our new found understanding wrong. You came into the world hearing “listen to me”, yet you knew your own truth. Be kind to yourself, and if you can’t be kind, give yourself a kick up the butt instead. You came with something to offer, someone to be. So what is it that you have going on in your subconscious that’s stopping you living your best life? If we’re not already connected, just fill in your name and email at the top of the blog page to subscribe to my newsletter. I’d love for you to comment on, or share these thoughts with others, or contact me directly - [email protected] - I'm always happy to help. is both a place where you can continue to read my articles (and even watch videos...first one live on Facebook), and it’s a portal for potential clients to get insights and connect with my consulting and mentoring services. It’s aimed at those who want to create change in their life or those seeking to evolve their business.
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