And does it matter? When I was posed this question recently, that was my first thought. If we live in a multidimensional multiverse, with many realities playing our simultaneously, what is the significance of this reality in this time and space?
If we in fact are unique expressions of the one ever expanding source, and our own consciousness is playing out simultaneous realities far beyond our comprehension, if this particular reality changed its form and ceased to exist as we know it today, it just seems in some ways insignificant. For if there is life and more life, then it would imply that our consciousness would just continue on in other ways anyway. These are all the thoughts that welled to the surface within minutes of being asked the question, I could feel a playful bubbling sensation within that tells me my inner voice has more to say and is willing to play with me on this topic. My next thought was of sitting in the living room of an old friend many years ago. I think I was 18 or 19 years old. My friend’s father was a doctor of physics and, aside of lecturing on the topic, participated in a global committee considering all manner of big questions. “How many dimensions do you think there are Shona?” he asked. At that time, the consensus was apparently 10. Nearly a quarter of a century later there are growing bodies of scientists who are beginning to acknowledge that our ‘science’ is a glimmer on a speck of dust in the vast sea of collective consciousness out there. How would I define consciousness? As life, seen and unseen, in its ability to create independently and collectively. From the thoughts we are aware of, to those we are not, to the amazing capacity of the cells within and those particles beyond. So what does it mean for us, as a species, to become truly conscious? It really refers to the process of becoming aware of that which you were previously not. It’s a process of unlocking the power within. Each human arrives into this world knowing their power, knowing their worth; you only need look into the face of a newborn to see this truth reflected back to you. These little babies are probably the largest group of our species on the planet who know our truth. Then of course the human mind starts to take its course, its patterns (known as our subconscious) largely shaped in those first 7 years of life through impression and imitation. Unwittingly, and usually in well meaning, these patterns have a tendency to play out as some version of “you are not worthy” as we think it’s our job to keep and to teach our little ones to be safe and to fit in. So right from the outset, instead of teaching by example to tune into your inner knowing, your inner power, you are taught to fear. Over the years, you begin to attract many experiences into your life that reinforce the beliefs that started to form in those early years; you get what you think about in life. The average human therefore walks around completely unaware that, of the 60-70,000 thoughts they have each day, 90% of them come from their subconscious and are holding them back from achieving what we all want in life – let’s sum it up as happiness. Awakening to your thoughts, becoming aware of your inner dialogues, the feelings that correlate with them and the experiences that result, is the first step of awakening to your true potential. Once you become aware, you can’t help notice there are patterns playing out that make no sense for you today. You can’t erase your patterns, but you can start to create newer, healthier ones with time and practice. You become aware that you are the creator of your own reality. Over time, and with continued practice, feeling bad becomes less and less tolerable. You take those feelings as your inner cue that what you are thinking is not a match for your inner truth. You start tuning in more to the powerful voice within; the only one that can reveal your truths. No one and nothing ‘out there’ can give you those; they can only inspire you towards them. Becoming ‘truly conscious’ therefore means you are in tune with your inner world and dancing to the beat of your own drum. This is a state in which people follow their passion, a truly selfish state which paradoxically results in more acts of selflessness. For once you have tapped into the power within, you know that we are all connected. That you are me and I am you; we are a reflection of one another. Nothing in our life happens by coincidence, it happens with precision and patterning of an exquisite nature far beyond our ability to compute. Our life, the creation and expression of which is a reflection of our inner thoughts and feelings, therefore by our own design consciously or subconsciously, is played out through a series of happenstance and events that occur by our attraction. From all that I can observe, there are many today becoming aware of all of this and awakening to their own true nature and power. It is so because these desires were set in motion long ago and are now playing out with more momentum than ever before. We are co-conspirators in this evolution of consciousness. Coming back to the original question, it feels to me – at this stage – a mute one, for we are consciousness becoming aware of itself. A world where more and more people are becoming aware of their power within, where that power can only be accessed when you are aware of your thoughts and patterns and you are feeling good, is a world far evolved beyond the one I was born into. In a world where there is more of that gathering momentum, there is more trumped up versions of the old world (excuse the pun) rearing their head, it’s the desperation of a death dance, the end of an era of fear. Of course, this is playing out, and it is exciting to participate in, but it is only another chapter in our ever evolving world. This is a world of contrast, knowing what we don’t like and don’t want sharpens the detail of what we do want, bringing it into creation ever more rapidly. So if this evolution brings in a world of peace, you can be sure it will only be temporary; and really, would you want it any other way? With thanks to Les Butchart for asking the question. Knowing I’ve helped in some way through my writing means a lot - I’d love for you to like, comment on, or share these thoughts with others, or contact me directly at [email protected], I’m always happy to help if I can. To be the first to receive these posts, you can also subscribe to my newsletter and, as a special thank you, you will receive the link to my video 3 Steps to Becoming You.
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